
Upcoming Readings

Shared Spaces: A Reading with Lambeth Poets

A group of Lambeth’s poets discuss and read their poems on an issue that has a wide resonance, notably for public libraries and parks, exploring how a community shapes and is shaped by those who share its public spaces. The theme is inspired by the Library and by the growing concern from Lambeth‘s residents about how the spaces we share are being closed off, privatised and neglected. Each poet has a strong Lambeth connection, and the reading will highlight that work created here is a product of our community and therefore our shared spaces, and seek to celebrate the deep well of Lambeth talent.

  • Karen McCarthy Woolf
  • Tamar Yoseloff
  • John Canfield
  • Sophie Herxheimer
  • Rishi Dastidar
  • Anne E Cooper
  • Molly Rowan
  • Shazea Quraishi
  • Rick Dove

Tuesday 23rd October 2018

7.00pm @ Tate South Lambeth Library, 180 South Lambeth Rd, Vauxhall, London SW8 1QP