Molly Rowan is a British-American poet and philanthropic fundraiser. She recently completed an MA in Writing Poetry with the Poetry School and Newcastle University. She lives in South London with her husband and small daughter. Recent work can be found in Allegro and hotdog.
Delightfully Unprofessional
This announcement is horribly overdue, but I was thrilled to be published in ‘Delightfully Unprofessional’, the third issue of hotdog, an inspiring, bold, irreverent and yet deeply profound feminist zine. You can read more about them here and I’d love it if you bought a copy. They took one of my older pieces, ‘The Mine’, …
‘Greenwich Park, after the Observatory’
Another little snippet of happy news from me – I’m thrilled that I’ve had my first ever poem published in the online journal, Allegro. The theme of the December issue is ‘Prompt’ and my poem, ‘Greenwich Park, after the Observatory’, was prompted by an inspiring day spent in Residency with Simon Barraclough and Marek Kukula of the Royal …
The Language of the Brag
Well, it happened; two weeks ago, I received my final marks for my MA in Writing Poetry and official confirmation that I will be travelling up to Newcastle to graduate with a Merit. I am, as I posted shamelessly and delightedly to social media, just too pleased and proud about this. I started the MA …